1. Lade Zero VSH Patcher runter und entpacke das Archiv 2. Installiere das Plugin 3. kopiere deine Gameboots nach ms0:/seplugins/RCO/ (erstelle den Ordner!)
Edit: Hier nochmal eine Englische Anleitung:
---How does it work?---
The plugin will check to see which files are in ms0:/seplugins/RCO/ and if the file is there and called on, the one from the memory stick will be loaded. If not, it will load the original one from flash. (Gameboots are loaded from the same directory) This is made to prevent bricks when using custom resources or a custom gameboot(this does not touch your flash).
Schildere mal bischen genauer dein Problem. Ansonsten versuch mal dieses hier http://u.to/fKVoAQ. Pass aber auf, da dieses Homebrews auf dein Flashspeicher zugreift!