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Hauptseite » 2011 » August » 24 » 6.60 Downgrader Released
6.60 Downgrader Released

Some1 hat seinen Downgrader für die 6.60 OFW endlich released, sodass die die auf der 6.60 OFW festhängen nun zurück auf die 6.39 Firmware können!

How to Downgrade:

  • Der Downgrader ist für jede psp, außer die PSP E-1000 (die es noch nicht zu kaufen gibt)!
  • Ihr ladet euch die 6.39 OFW runter, den downgrader und das wars!
  • Ihr packt die 6.39 OFW so auf die PSP, dass ihr sie als Update sehen könnt.
  • Dann kommt der downgrader noch auf die PSP, und den startet ihr dann auch!

Quote (some1)

Important Note: This Kernel Exploit was NOT found by me. It was handed to me by Zecoxao, and it was handed to him by Davee.
Another Important note: You run the application at your OWN risk. I am not held accountable if you screw up your PSP.

After a long wait, here is the port of Davee's 6.35/6.31 downgrader to 6.60/6.39/6.38.

This is a very simple app, just put the desired destination OFW in PSP/GAME/UPDATE, and the app will read the factory installed OFW (aka, the OFW it came with), and allow any updater greater than or equal to this OFW. The range for this has NOT been tested, so I do not know which OFWs it is possible to downgrade to, for which model, but I've tested from 6.60 to 6.20 and 6.35, 6.39 should also work. If you use the wrong updater, the update itself will error out or go back to XMB.

Change Log:

Added Support for 6.60
Fixed 6.60 problem that didn't allow to downgrade to anything greater than 6.20, thanks to Davee
Allows any updater that is greater than or equal to the factory installed OFW (Has not been fully tested, will most likely work on 500 and up)
Special Sauce added by Proxima

Je nach PSP, wird noch die 6.39 oder 6.39 (Go) OFW benötigt!

6.60 Downgrader

Quelle: PSPKing
Kategorie: PSP News | Aufrufe: 854 | Hinzugefügt von: psp-homebrews | Tags: pspking, downgrader, 6.60, PSP, Download | Rating: 5.0/2
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